Honduras is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere with a high mortality rate and one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the world. You can directly alleviate suffering by making a donation today to provide free medical, dental, and ophthalmic care to the poor in Limón and the surrounding villages. Your generosity is vital to the health and well-being of the poor in Honduras.
Our volunteers pay for their own travel and shared team expenses on mission trips. Your donations help maintain the facilities and equipment, and help fund programs in support of Honduran families such as Community Development, Education, Recycling, and the Patient Medical Referral Program.
In response the to COVID-19 pandemic, your donations are vital to maintaining continuity of care through maintenance medical clinics utilizing a Honduran doctor and a Telemedicine Pilot Program.
“I pray to God and he answer through you. You are being God ́s hands. Thank you very much and please keep helping my kids. They really need it and you are doing the difference in our lives. You are showing us the love of God.”
~ Yeri Suleni Bernandez
Your gift today immediately impacts the lives of people living in remote villages in Honduras. They have little or no access to healthcare, medications, vitamins or even proper nutrition. You have answered the prayers of people in great need. Thank you.
We will do our best to show you the impact of your donation. Mission Moment, newsletter and other information will be sent to tell you stories of the work you've done. If at any time you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at christinemitchell@chhf.org or at (331) 588-4229.
Thank you for making a difference!
Christine Mitchell
Executive Director